Heap is complete, partially ordered binary tree. Complete means every node at a depth of the tree has subtree that each height differs at most by 1. Partially ordered means that the a element stored in the tree is less than or equal only to its ancestors and greater than or equal only to its descendants, or the other way around.
It is a natural implementation of priority queue which is efficient for the operation that one takes the element with highest priority from the collection.
Heap implementation
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
class BinMaxHeap[T: ClassTag](val heap: Array[T])
(implicit val ordering: Ordering[T]) {
private val maxSize = heap.length
private var size = maxSize
def heapSize: Int = size
def isLeaf(pos: Int): Boolean = (pos >= size / 2) && (pos < size)
def leftChild(pos: Int): Option[Int] = {
pos match {
case _ if pos >= size / 2 => None
case _ => Some(2 * pos + 1)
def rightChild(pos: Int): Option[Int] = {
pos match {
case _ if pos < (size - 1) / 2 => None
case _ => Some(2 * pos + 2)
def parent(pos: Int): Option[Int] = {
pos match {
case _ if pos <= 0 || pos >= size => None
case _ => Some((pos - 1) / 2)
def insert(element: T): Unit = {
if (size >= maxSize) return
var curr = size
size += 1
heap(curr) = element
while(curr != 0 && ordering.compare(heap(curr), heap(parent(curr).get)) > 0) {
val parentCurr = parent(curr).get
val temp = heap(parentCurr)
heap(parentCurr) = heap(curr)
heap(curr) = temp
curr = parentCurr
def siftDown(pos: Int): Unit = {
if (pos < 0 || pos >= size) return
var curr = pos
while(!isLeaf(curr)) {
// if it is not a leaf, then it must have left child
var left = leftChild(curr).get
if (left < size - 1 && ordering.compare(heap(left), heap(left + 1)) < 0)
left += 1
if (ordering.compare(heap(curr), heap(left)) >= 0) return
val temp = heap(curr)
heap(curr) = heap(left)
heap(left) = temp
curr = left
def buildHeap(): Unit = {
for(i <- (size - 1)/ 2 to 0 by -1) siftDown(i)
def removeMax(): Option[T] = {
size match {
case 0 => None
case _ =>
size -= 1
val maxValue = heap(0)
heap(0) = heap(size)
if (size != 0) siftDown(0)
def remove(pos: Int): Option[T] = {
pos match {
case _ if pos < 0 || pos >= size => None
case _ =>
size -= 1
val value = heap(pos)
heap(pos) = heap(size)
var curr = pos
while (curr > 0 && ordering.compare(heap(curr), heap(parent(curr).get)) > 0) {
val temp = heap(curr)
heap(curr) = heap(parent(curr).get)
heap(parent(curr).get) = temp
curr = parent(curr).get
if (size != 0) siftDown(curr)
Analysis of the implementation
The completeness and order must be preserved when an element is inserted and when an element is removed. This means that implementation of inserting and removing elements are not straightforward and need extra opration.
The implementation above realizes them by sift down and sift "up". They move the element smaller than its children down the tree, and bigger up the tree.
Since the heap is always the complete binary tree, those operation takes $\Theta(\log n)$ time in the worst cases. It leads to the fact that inserting and removing an element also take $\Theta(\log n)$ time. For buildHeap, it takes $\Theta(n)$ time (the sum of the series has a closed form).
Using heap as priority queue and for sorting
With methods buildHeap and removeMax, heap can be used for sorting collections and is is called heapsort.
Heap is an implementation of priority queue, however, there are more efficient data structures for it.